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Re: [machineknit-103] Announcements

From: Norene S.
Sent on: Monday, September 23, 2013, 10:32 PM
I'll be just coming in from New York on Monday night so can't make it.

'saw marzipanknit's basting down of the edge before washing and drying. Didn't see that Charlene's tuck blankets had much of an edge curl on the ones' I've knitted.  Knitted over 9 of them.  I was concerned about the curl with the bulky blanket, but when it came out of the dryer the edge had a lot of volume, but no curl. 'found that edges curl more if the tension is tighter in general.  


From: "Margaret" <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Monday, September 23,[masked]:07:58 AM
Subject: Re: [machineknit-103] Announcements

I'm going to try it but using a running stitch and mattress stitch rather than blanket stitch. If it works, that will be a LOT quicker for me than wresting with conventional blocking and steaming.

I hope to be in New Mexico at the end of October doing the Breaking Bad Tour and won't be able to make our meeting. However, I have experimented with two different methods of doing a "seamless" baby cardigan and would quite like to share. Does anyone fancy getting together in the coffee shop next Monday (Sept.30)?


From: Adrienne <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Friday, September 13,[masked]:59 PM
Subject: [machineknit-103] Announcements

Hi Everyone,

First, thanks to the 10 people who showed up last Saturday, and welcome to newcomers Rose, Lorena and Kamille. I think you all have machines now, have fun and please ask questions if you get stuck.

Disorganized as usual, we never really did our announcements at the last meeting. So here they are, sorry about the impossibly short notice for the first one.

1. The other Machine Knitting group, MKGSFBA is having its monthly meeting tomorrow morning September 14th in El Sobrante. Speaker is Helen from Newton's in Anaheim, and she will also be bringing coned yarn for sale. More details in the PS below my signature.

Does anyone need any supplies such as sponge bars? I can buy them from Nancy for you at the meeting tomorrow. Or next month, the meetings are monthly on the second Saturday.

2. On Oct 26th, there's a wool and fiber festival at a small family-run spinning mill not far from Sacramento (Yolo Mill, Woodland, CA). Claire Pryor is organizing a booth to demonstrate machine knitting there. Contact Claire if you want to help with the booth, and it sounds like a fun event to attend. More details below, scroll all the way down.

3. Upcoming meetings of our South Bay group, all at Campbell Library.
- Oct 26th 12-5
- Nov 16th 12:30-5
- Dec 28th 10-5
Note the later start times in October and November.
Yes, I'm aware that Oct 26th is the same day as the fiber festival at Yolo Mill. It was the only Saturday in October I could get the room for our meeting. A quick survey at the last meeting confirmed that most South-Bay'ers would not make the journey to Woodland anyway. But if anyone is choosing between them, I encourage you to go to Yolo Mill as it's a one-off event.

4. Any requests for demo topics at our next few meetings? Or volunteers to pick a topic and demonstrate? Thank you to Margaret for the September meeting, that was a technique I'd never seen before.

5. The city of Campbell recently held a ballot, one item of which was about library funding. For those few of you who live in Campbell, if you voted for the measure, thanks. It passed, so the library's programs are safe for the time being, including the use of its Community Room by groups like ours.

More details about items 1 and 2 are below.  Happy knitting.

Best Regards,


PS: First the guild meeting tomorrow Sept 14th, keep scrolling for the details about Yolo Mill on Oct 26th.

Machine Knitting Guild of the San Francisco Bay Area
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Their website had been down for some time, just came back to life recently in a new format, so it's not fully operational yet. Here are the details of Saturday's meeting taken from the September newsletter.

9:30am on Saturday Sept 14th.
Doors open from from 9-ish with coffee, then announcements and show-and-tell, with the speaker usually at about 10:30. Helen Koshak from Newton's Yarn Country in Anaheim, CA will be demonstrating. Norm will also be bringing yarn for sale.
Morning "Open Work Ladder Stitches"
Definition: A column of loops formed by the yarn that floats across the space between two working needles when there are one or more non-working needles. See how to create different types of “Ladder Stitches” that can be adapted into today’s knit fashions.
“Swing KnittingTM” is like Swaying to the Tempo in Machine Knitting
Just back from a show in NYC and this was the hottest new look straight from Europe. Swing Knitting, a name given to this technique, is a form of short-row knitting that is best described as "organized free-form knitting." Even though the method of short row knitting has been used for centuries this technique has been re-invented as random shaped stitch areas that transform any traditional garment into extraordinary knitwear. Time-saving valuable "tricks" will be demonstrated to expand your short row knitting skills on the knitting machine.

Just show up. If you think you'll stay for the afternoon, bring your lunch. To stay for the afternoon session, you'll need to join the guild for the year ($35) and pay $20 for the afternoon session itself, so bring your check book.

Meetings are held in a room rented from the Salvation Army:
4600 Appian Way, El Sobrante, CA 94803

If you don't have GPS study a map, print out the directions, and note the following tips:
Getting to the area:
- From the south bay, you get onto 880 and keep driving. With 2 points to note; a branch to the right to get onto 580/80 north, go there when all the other lanes head west for the Bay Bridge. Then later 580 branches off to Richmond, you do not want that one, just keep going on 80.
- Or if you're coming over the Bay Bridge you're already on 80, you're good to go, just follow 80 north.
- Note that you want San Pablo Dam Road. NOT San Pablo Avenue which is a few miles further south.
- At the top of the off-ramp at San Pablo Dam Road wait for the green light, it's a No-Right-On-Red

Getting to the actual building:
Via I-80 coming from the South: Take the San Pablo Dam Road exit and go east (right). Keep going, a mile or more, then turn left onto Appian Way (a traffic signal), continue along Appian Way and soon after the next traffic signal you will see the Salvation Army sign on the right. Turn into the driveway just before the Salvation Army sign.
The driveway dips downward steeply into the Salvation Army parking lot. Park anywhere in the lot and enter the door in the center of the side of the building.

Yolo Wool Mill’s ANNUAL MILL-IN
Saturday, October 26th, 2013
Starts 11:00 am.; Barbecue 1:00 pm
41501 County Road 27
Woodland, CA 95776
Activities & Events:
Mill Tours
Shearing Demonstrations
Kids Activities
Vendors (space available)
Knitting, Spinning, Weaving, Dyeing & Felting Demonstrations
Fiber Animals Display and petting zoo
An educational event demonstrating how wool from the backs of sheep (and other fiber animals) becomes the sweater on your back. Lots of hands-on activities for everyone.

Claire Pryor is organizing a Machine Knitting demonstration booth at this event. She'll need some volunteers to help demonstrating at the booth, in shifts so you have time to visit the fair as well.

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