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What we’re about

This group is about practising Yoga and Meditation in small groups via Zoom for health, well-being, and transformations in your life. This is possible with my support, encouragement, and experience.

Only £25 donation for 4 Sunday Classes in a row -with the weekly recording of the week; Each class lasts 90 minutes. Must be paid in advance, please.

By doing yoga together, we connect and stay motivated. It is also very convenient to practice yoga from the comfort of your own home. It is much easier to show up and keep showing in classes live online, rather than practice yoga on YouTube! After all, we are humans and it's nice to create a live community that share the same interest.

The Kundalini yoga classes are powerful and the energy we will have built up together stay with you throughout the days and lives with regular practice. This is why I offer 3 weekly yoga classes (Mondays; Tuesdays; Sundays). And with every subscription you get the Sunday's video for FREE to watch for 7 days right after the class.

In this group, we all have the same goal: Improving/ maintaining our health which is so precious. So let's gather together and make it happen.

Here is the schedule:

  1. Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Classes:
    Tuesdays 7:00-8:00 pm GMT; Sundays 10:00-11:30 am GMT
  2. Pranayama/ Meditation Classes:
    Mondays 7:30-8:30 pm GMT

Benefits of Kundalini yoga and meditation classes:
Shift your energy * Build body strength * Heal yourself * Elevate you * Dissolve negativity * Ground yourself * Release Stress * Get rid of body toxins * Expand your lung capacity * Strengthen your body organs * Promote glandular secretions * Increase your concentration * Increase your flexibility * Control your emotions * Grow awareness * Loose fear * Grow courage * Promote confidence * Make you happier and healthier ..

The classes are for everyone, no matter how old your are/ your fitness level. We just begin where we are. There is no competition in Kundalini yoga. Join with an open heart and let's connect.

Upcoming events (4+)

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