What we’re about
This is a place for language exchange. Most of us speak Chinese. Some of us are learning Chinese. China has over eight old capitals.If you have slightly accent is OK to volunteer here, Beijingese do not speak standard Mandarin neighther.
Usually we look for our language practice partners and practice during our coffee and dinner times. You are welcome to bring questions, a notebook and a dictionary to our meetups. The schedule won't be decided until you've signed up to the event. The location will be selected depending on where the RSVP'd people are coming from.
A lot of us are native speakers, speaking Mandarin, Cantonese, Taishanese, Sichuanese, Shanghainese,Taiwanese… We are hardworking Chinese, and Chinese culture lovers located in the San Francisco Bay Area. We want to discover new restaurants, karaoke bars, fine art galleries, theaters, go bowling, play pool and games, discuss new technology, enjoy different cultures.... Let's rock the night!
We are the oldest Chinese Meetup group. For health information please join the groups below:
What is going on on the social networking: https://www.meetup.com/mandarin/about/