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What we’re about

Our gift to ourselves - & the world - is our peace and our aliveness and our joy.

Inviting stillness into our lives is a beautiful and important practice for peace, health and wellbeing to thrive in all areas.

In difficult and stressful times this is all the more needed.


Hi, these sessions, open to all, offer a gentle meditation space and are wonderful for recentring, with pause for reflection...

  • Especially good for introverts, intuitives and HSPs (sensitives) x

  • Also very good for those with anxiety and worry

  • The sessions are £5 each and the Zoom link will be visible to you on RSVP

  • Please read the info below to see if the sessions resonate with you.


We begin with a guided meditation for approx 30 mins and then will open into a safe, gentle space for sharing and connecting with like-hearted friends. There may be meditation/HSP/reading prompts but sitting in companionable silence can also be so beautiful ... seeing whatever might arise... all is ok.

The guided meditation will vary each week and each one will be for centring, calming, reconnecting with the peace within, and for resting in beautiful spacious awareness.

The mind can often feel very dominant and full of chatter and judgement yet remaining as the witness to the 'thinking mind' can liberate our truth, our creativity and allow for all sorts of delights to unfold by themselves. This translates not only to when we are sitting and still, but whilst living our busy everyday lives.

We carry and connect with this peace within us that is Always here x

We become kinder to ourselves and others and with this peacefulness within, we find it reflected in our outer world experiences - so within, so without x

These meditations are inspired by the Self-enquiries of Eastern Spirituality and especially Advaita Vedanta/ the nondual approach which I have been practising for many years and have been incorporating into my teaching and workshops for over two years.

Mooji, Eckhart Tolle and Rupert Spira are all wonderful contemporary inspirations for my practice. Students of 'A Course in Miracles' will also enjoy these meditations.


Who is the group for?

These sessions are for all and will be especially beneficial for sensitives, intuitives and introverts. They are gentle, non-judging and welcoming and they focus on connecting together with joy.

There is no pressure to speak or put your video on but both are welcome when you feel ready.

Perfect if you have no experience of meditation and also if you have a little or a lot :)

*These sessions are for focusing on the positive and possible, learning to experience a 'coming out of the stories' we may feel enmeshed in. They are not for 'fixing' ourselves or others, but are a gentle, compassionate and safe space for sharing and celebration.

*These groups will stay small as safety and authentic connection is so important to me.

There are a number of meditations you can hear on my Grace & Joy! podcast - amongst other ponderings and poetry -

Thank you for reading and please feel free to contact me with any questions. Let's see how all unfolds!
