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What we’re about

Are you a seeker of adventure? Do you daydream of the great outdoors? Is your soul itching for a wild wilderness immersion cleansing? Are you longing for crisp mountain air, meandering mountain streams, the sounds of silence and ridge-line hikes? Or do you have a longing to experience outdoor rock climbing and rappelling, or exploring the winter landscape with snowshoes and crampons?

Well, you’ve found the right place to quench your thirst, to satisfy that urge, to expand your comfort zone and to reconnect or deepen your connection with nature. We arrange day hikes, backpacking trips, outdoor rock climbing and rappelling adventures, white water rafting trips, snowshoeing trips, frozen waterfall exploration hikes and other exciting adventures. We're a group of outdoor adventure travel enthusiasts who love to explore.

We are so honored to have Valley to Summit, LLC ("VTS") as the sponsor of this Meetup group. VTS, an outdoor guiding company, offers great discounts on most adventures. To learn more about Valley to Summit, be sure to visit them at:


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Phone/Fax: 215-543-6171


Statement from Valley to Summit, LLC:

We have attracted a dedicated group of outdoor professionals to assist and guide us in our journeys. All trip leaders are at least certified in wilderness first aid or as wilderness first responders. We also have guides who are certified by the America Mountain Guiding Association as Single Pitch Rock Instructors and guides with decades of experience in their respective skills. Still others have relevant water-based certifications from the American Canoe Association. And many are either Leave No Trace Master Educators or Trainers. VTS carries insurance and, where required, operates under permits.

Mother Nature gifted our region with a plethora of unique outdoor recreation opportunities. We offer the adventurous soul who is seeking an escape from the daily grind many options to get out there. Our goal is to facilitate fun, informative, inspirational and recreational outdoor rock climbing experiences.