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Insta-101: Your Passport to Instagram Success - Presenter Mona Giordano

Photo of Joyce Feustel
Hosted By
Joyce F.
Insta-101: Your Passport to Instagram Success - Presenter Mona Giordano


Our meetings are held via Zoom. Once you RSVP via Meetup to attend this meeting, you will see the link that takes you to the registration form for the Zoom meeting. When you complete that form, Zoom sends you the link to the Zoom meeting for this event. You must follow this process to be able to access our meeting.

Plan to arrive at the Zoom meeting about 5 minutes early and that will help ensure that we start on time.

Each meeting starts with attendee introductions, and please keep them to about 20-30 seconds. Tell us your name, the nature of your business and your ideal clients.

After the participant introductions, our speaker presents for about 20-25 minutes, allowing time for questions. We make sure to end the Q&A by 2:25 p.m. to allow time for networking and announcements. We end at 2:30 p.m.

At this month's meeting, Mona Giordano of Mona Giordano, Social Media 101 Coach, will present “Insta 101: Your Passport to Instagram Success.”

Mona Giordano is a 60-something wife, mother, and grandmother who has been a successful entrepreneur for over 37 years. She specializes in helping non-techie entrepreneurs, who did NOT grow up with a device in their hands, overcome the frustration and overwhelm that social media and digital marketing produce.

Mona specializes in all areas of Facebook, Instagram, Canva, video production, and editing (live and pre-recorded).

She recently has taken a deep dive into Artificial Intelligence (AI), so even the tech-challenged entrepreneurs can, not only stay in the game, but compete on a level playing field with younger entrepreneurs and big companies.

Being a baby boomer, she had zero experience with social media, and digital marketing, and didn’t want to. Her son, a millennial, did all her content creation and marketing for her, and then one day, seven years ago, he moved out and Mona had no choice but to come-of-age, and master it.

Today, her biggest pain, has become her greatest passion!

Important to know:
Please honor the RSVP rule of only coming to the Meetup if you are on the RSVP list as a Yes.

Photo of Simplify Your Social Media group
Simplify Your Social Media
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