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The Erotic Art of Masculine Containment: Creating Safe Space for Yin Energy

Photo of Strider John Peterson
Hosted By
Strider John P.
The Erotic Art of Masculine Containment: Creating Safe Space for Yin Energy


The Chinese principles of Yin and Yang are convenient tools to describe feminine and masculine energies that live in all humans. They link us to Nature and the Divine Order of all things.

While Yin is associated with female, and Yang with male energies, it is an oversimplification to describe Yin as pertaining strictly to women, and Yang strictly to men. All of us harbor a blend of Yin and Yang energies, and we express them in different ways.

Yang evokes pictures of solidity, structure, strength, and sunlight. Yin reflects emotion, nurture, interpersonal relationships, and water. All of these attributes are important to develop as we strive toward becoming well-rounded, complete persons.

Chinese is a language of symbols, bringing to mind the useful image of Yang as the solid banks of a river, with Yin representing the moving river itself. Without the bank's containment, the river becomes a flood lacking direction and structure. Without the river, the bank is dry and lifeless.

The wisdom in this message is that Yin energy requires containment to thrive. In practical terms, this implies that women, who embody Yin as their primary energetic expression, do best when they have strong masculine containment in their lives to provide safety and protection, as long as that containment does not stifle or seek to control them.

Men who have been brought up in a culture that promotes a conquest model, or (to the opposite extreme) surrendering power to women (as a response to centuries of patriarchy), do not understand this. The result is our current crisis of erotic rapport between men and women.

In this class, we will discuss the symbolic nature of sacred Yang energy as a container for scared Yin, and how it plays out in the lives of men and women. We'll create a more meaningful understanding of how masculine power can support feminine power in all people, so that all of us can play to our strengths and get along better!

In response to feedback expressing concerns about safety in our online classrooms, I am asking all class participants to keep cameras on while attending our classes. Non-compliance will lead to removal from the classroom. I'm sorry to have to take this step, however safety is a priority here and I want everyone to feel that they can open up. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!

Photo of Men Who Love Women group
Men Who Love Women
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