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What we’re about

Welcome to the the Men Who Love Women Meetup! This group is for adult male-identifying persons, young and not-so-young, of any sexual orientation, who are in a committed relationship with a woman, or are seeking to enter into one. We also welcome women allies into our container.

Our mission is to help men attract, build, and maintain healthy and fulfilling relationships with women by stepping into our sacred masculinity. We gather to share experiences, offer support, and explore tools and techniques that promote understanding and healing in a safe and welcoming space.

In response to feedback expressing concerns about safety in our online classrooms, I am asking all class participants to keep cameras on while attending our classes. Non-compliance will lead to removal from the classroom. I'm sorry to have to take this step, however safety is a priority here and I want everyone to feel that they can open up. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!

For paid events: Sign up seven or more days in advance for a 50% discount!

Join us as we navigate the journey of healing and discovery, with the goal of helping each man enjoy the rewards of love and companionship in healthy, honorable relationships.

Let's grow together and build a vibrant community of men seeking emotional healing and genuine connections with women!

Upcoming events (4+)

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