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Embodying Erotic Authenticity in Life, Love, and Leisure

Photo of Strider John Peterson
Hosted By
Strider John P.
Embodying Erotic Authenticity in Life, Love, and Leisure


Erotic authenticity is about the genuine, unapologetic expression of one's desires and preferences without conforming to the judgments of society.

In a world tainted by taboos, stereotypes, and expectations, erotic authenticity encourages individuals to explore and own their desires in an open and honest way.

Yes, it's about sex, but not ONLY about sex: using the mythic interpretation of "erotic" to mean "full of life energy", I treat the quest for erotic authenticity as a specific mission to pursue happiness in all facets of life.

This class explores that erotic life energy as represented by Eros, and the barriers to its true fulfillment in men and women. Our goal is to open up to honest expression of what lights us up, and step away from patterns of self-falsification that stand in the way of our becoming the best friends, partners, and allies we can be.

We'll look at the primal nature of feminine energy, which represents qualities of nurturing, receptivity, intuition, and emotional depth. We'll also look at masculine energy, which embodies traits such as strength, assertiveness, and protection. The play space where these impulses operate within individuals (vertically) and between people (horizontally) is infinite in its depth and variety.

At the core of erotic authenticity is radical honesty. It's about recognizing that each person's desires are deeply personal and valid. Our container will be a zone of low judgment and high acceptance.

Embracing erotic authenticity is liberating! It allows individuals to challenge societal norms and discover their own unique path to personal fulfillment. It's an empowering journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance that promotes a healthier and more satisfying life inside and outside of the bedroom.

Join us as we unapologetically rejoice in a journey of self-acceptance!

In response to feedback expressing concerns about safety in our online classrooms, I am asking all class participants to keep cameras on while attending our classes. Non-compliance will lead to removal from the classroom. I'm sorry to have to take this step, however safety is a priority here and I want everyone to feel that they can open up. Thank you in advance for your cooperation!

Photo of Men Who Love Women group
Men Who Love Women
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