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What we’re about

Mindful Mums has evolved from our passion to support the needs of mothers.

Through our free support groups, Mindful Mums helps mothers to better cope with the psychological and emotional challenges of motherhood.

- Are you feeling overwhelmed with the demands of motherhood?
- Surprised at the kind of emotions you're feeling and thoughts you're having?
- Are you having a tough time after giving birth to your baby?
- Perhaps you're feeling numb and unconnected to your child?
- Do you feel unsupported by your partner, or family?
Whatever you are struggling with, the Mindful Mums Support Group is a confidential and supportive space where you can truly be honest about what is going on in you and around you.
This is a free, open group for anyone to attend, with or without your child. We will incorporate some mindfulness techniques, but the group is mainly about supportive listening and sharing - not advice giving or parenting training. If you have a sense of struggling with the feelings and thoughts brought on by motherhood then come and join us.

Incorporating topics such as mindfulness, self compassion, connection, and dealing with difficult emotions, the Mindful Mums Workshops will assist you to develop the capacity to be present in the moment, and in turn, increase your ability to make decisions and take actions that are aligned with your values and goals for not only yourself as a mother, but in all arenas of your life.
Please refer to our upcoming MeetUps for dates and times of our next support group or workshop.

Mindful Mums encourages you to develop a deeper self-understanding and act according to your personal values through:
- Recognising difficult thoughts, feelings and behaviours and development of more mindful ways to relate to your experience
- Reducing Stress and improving the ways in which you cope with stress
- Encouraging Self-Compassion
- Exploring, Identifying and Re-evaluating your own values
- Improving Self-regulation
- Encouraging healthy self care behaviours
- Strengthening the bond with your child

Through our trusted Mindful Mums you can connect with other mothers in an open, empathetic and genuine manner as well as find carefully chosen healthcare providers who adopt the Mindful Mums’ values.

You are not alone – we are there for you!

Mindful Mums Team @Alliance Counselling