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What we’re about

I made this group to gather a bunch of talented artists to work together on making short films/documentaries to participate in various film competitions hosted by websites like mofilm, talenthouse, etc. If you're anything from an aspiring director, writer, actor, cinematographer, editor, cameraman, etc. this should be the right group for you. It's not just about work though, we can also plan movie nights, research and discussion meets to discuss the techniques and lifehacks/DIY to make the job easy, to get more creative ideas flowing, etc. If this is your passion, meet like minded people here and deliver a result out of pure love and dedication for what you like to do and are good at.

THIS IS AN OPEN FORUM. Anybody can host a meetup as and when they wish. Members in this group are spread out all over Mumbai and further. If you wish to use this forum for a meetup, feel free to message me on my meetup profile and I'll give you the necessary rights.

To conclude this, just have fun! After all, life is about having fun with what you wish to do.