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What we’re about

Welcome to the North Alabama Geocachers. The purpose of this group is to provide ample opportunities for new and experienced cachers to get out and learn more about this "hi-tech hide-and-seek" game.

This group will offer occasional Geocaching 101 classes - and some advanced classes, too. We will also offer frequent cache runs into areas most people don't know exist. Cache runs might be along rustic trails, paved greenways, or dispersed along a highway -- either in Huntsville, Madison, Lacey Springs, and north to Fayetteville, Lynchburg, Columiba and possibly further in any direction.

If you are new to geocaching, it is suggested to visit the home page of the most popular website: The links for "Learn" and "Videos" are very informative - and entertaining! That will give you a good foundation to "hit the trails".

Members of this group are invited--and encouraged--to submit ideas for meetups, gatherings, and areas to explore on a cache run. Feel free to use the convenient links on the web pages for this group. You may also contact the organizer(s) via the links in the column on the left.

Cache on!