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New Meetup: Stargazing at Sky Meadows State Park

From: Scott
Sent on: Sunday, August 1, 2010, 10:58 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for nature lovers meetup!

What: Stargazing at Sky Meadows State Park

When: Saturday, August 14,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Sky Meadows State Park
11012 Edmonds Ln
Delaplane, VA 20144

Stargaze with Nature Lovers Meetup on the lawn behind the historic Mt. Bleak House at Sky Meadows State Park in Fauquier County, Va. This public astronomy event is fun, even if you don't know anything about the night sky. View planets, nebulae and other heavenly bodies through powerful telescopes with amateur astronomers from the Northern Virginia Astronomy Club. Before dark, we'll picnic and hang out. If you arrive very early there are miles of trails to explore.

The annual Perseid meteor shower peaks around Thurs. Aug. 12. We may be able to see this astronomical event on Aug. 14.

Optional campout. I'll be leaving for the park in the late morning. Contact me if you want to camp out so that we may coordinate food, gear, etc.

Bring: blanket or chair for sitting and food and drinks to share (sorry, no alcohol allowed). Also bring a flashlight to carry (to use when you are away from the viewing area). If you must use flashlight around the telescopes, cover it with red cellophane, a brown paper bag or, at the least, your hand.

Meet me at picnic area at 6:30pm.

Directions to Sky Meadows State Park from Capital Beltway in Virginia:
Take I-66 West over 35 miles to exit 23 (Delaplane/Paris). The off ramp will dump you right onto Rte. 17 heading north. Drive about 6 1/2 miles, turn LEFT on Rte. 710, which is called Edmonds Lane. The entrance to the park is at the end of this road.

** I suggest car pooling from a Metro station. I like to use the South walkway of the Vienna Metro. The south parking lot is located off of the Nutley Street exit ramp of I-66. Allow 45 min. w/o traffic to drive to the park from there. If you are meeting in a public location, keep in mind that another meetup group is going to Sky Meadows around the same time. Be sure to specify that you are with Nature Lovers.

I will not be meeting you for carpooling but I can help facilitate rides if you wish.

** The astronomy program begins at 8:00 and ends by 11:00.

** A weather forecast of cloudy skies will cancel this meetup. If the forecast is good I'll send my contact info to all Yes RSVPs a day before the event.

** Cell phone reception is spotty at the park.

** Not recommended to bring pets to this event, as they are discouraged in the telescope viewing area (expensive equipment + unpredictable pets = not good).

Link to Sky Meadows State Park

Link to star gazing program

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