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New Meetup: Hike Along the Rock Creek

From: Sankar
Sent on: Monday, August 16, 2010, 9:07 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for nature lovers meetup!

Note that there is no website rsvp'ing for this one. You will have to call me. (Number below).

What: Hike Along the Rock Creek

When: Saturday, August 21,[masked]:30 AM

Where: Cleveland Park metro station (near east side escalators)
3527 Connecticut Ave NW
Washington, DC 20008

Join us for a hike along the Rock Creek starting from Cleveland Park metro station. This will be a moderate paced loop hike almost entirely along the Rock Creek and the Melvin-Hazen tributary. Leashed dogs okay. The seven-mile hike will pass by Pierce Mill and Mansion, Pulpit Rock, Boulder Bridge, Miller's Cabin and Milkhouse Ford. 1200 ft. elev. change. Optional lunch at nearby restaurant. Meet at 9.30 am near the escalators on the east side (in front of parking lot) of the Cleveland Park Metro. Joint with DC Chapter of Sierra Club. Call me at 202/[masked] (land-line) if interested in joining.

This is a repeat of "Afternoon along the creek" (except that it is in the morning) that we did for nature lovers on May 30.

The first half of the hike will be slightly strenuous. The second half will be moderate. We will be basically on both sides of the valley carved by the rock creek, going up on the valley trail and coming back on an un-named trail on the west side of the valley. We should be back at the Cleveland park metro station by 1.30 pm.

Please bring enough water (at least a quart) and some trail mix for the way. There are restrooms and water fountains near Pierce mill near the start of the hike and then near Miller cabin about 3.5 miles into the hike.

We could go for lunch after hike in a restaurant near the Cleveland park metro station.

Maps etc., at park service website

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