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New Meetup: Cafe Scientifique - Bonobos: What Should You Know About Human’s Closest Relative

From: Scott
Sent on: Monday, August 16, 2010, 10:16 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for nature lovers meetup!

What: Cafe Scientifique - Bonobos: What Should You Know About Human?s Closest Relative

When: Tuesday, September 14,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Front Page - Arlington
4201 Wilson Blvd
Arlington, VA 22203

Casual atmosphere. Food and drink. Old and new friends. Lectures by experts in their respective fields.

Learn about a different topic each month at Cafe Scientifique. This month's talk is titled: "Bonobos: What Should You Know About Human?s Closest Relative." Program begins at 6:15 but arrive early for dinner and conversation.

Conveniently located near Ballston Metro (orange line in Arlington).

Besides signing up w/ Nature Lovers Meetup, you must register below so they know how many tables and chairs to set up for the public:

The details from the website -
WHAT: Bonobos: What you should you about human's closest relative
WHEN: Tuesday, Sept. 14, 5:30-8:00 p.m.; program begins approx. 6:15 p.m.

WHERE: The Front Page Restaurant, 4201 Wilson Blvd., Arlington, VA,
Located near Ballston Metro on the ground floor of the NSF building. Parking is available under the NSF building or at Ballston Common Mall. Walk into the bar and go straight into the back. Go past the main bar, past the bathrooms and past the little bar. Walk through the glass doors. Tables and chairs will be set up for the event.

HOW: Special 1/2 price burgers start at 5:30 PM. Please come early to order table service and socialize. Short presentation begins at 6:15 PM. followed by Q&A.

No science background required?only an interest! Caf? Scientifique is free and open to the public.

ABOUT THE TOPIC: Bonobos are an extremely endangered ape (as few as 10,000 left in the wild), that share 98.7% of our DNA ? equal to our more famous cousin, the chimp. Chimpanzees live in a violent, male dominated society with sexual coercion, infanticide, and war. Bonobos, however, are peaceful and female dominated. There is no infanticide or war; and sex is used to resolve conflict. Vanessa Woods is part of the Hominoid Psychology Research Group, which compares the psychology of humans, chimpanzees, and bonobos. Woods won an Acclaimed Book award from the Royal Society for BONOBO HANDSHAKE: A memoir of love and adventure in the Congo. Woods explores the question: How much of us is chimpanzee, and how much is bonobo?

SUPPORT THIS CAF?: The Ballston Science and Technology Alliance, a nonprofit organization, is the sponsor of Caf? Scientifique Arlington. Since April 2006, the goal of Caf? Scientifique has been to make science more accessible and accountable by featuring speakers whose expertise spans the sciences and who can talk in plain English. Caf? is held each month on first Tuesdays at the Front Page in Arlington. Please go to and contribute. Help keep Caf? open and free to all!

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