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New Meetup: Singles Hike -Tenley to Woodley through the woods

From: Sankar
Sent on: Thursday, September 23, 2010, 10:25 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for nature lovers meetup!

What: Singles Hike -Tenley to Woodley through the woods

When: Saturday, October 2,[masked]:30 AM

Price: $2.00 per person

Where: Marvelous Market
4530 Wisconsin Ave
Washington, DC 20016
[masked] (marvelous market)

Join us for a nice walk / hike through the woods of Northwest Washington. My friend Chasta asked me to do this for the Multicultural singles meetup but everyone is very welcome to join.

We will start at the Marvelous market in Tenleytown (where you could grab some coffee and snacks before starting, if you want), hike through Glover-Archibold park, Whitehaven park and Dumbarton Oaks Park before heading back to civilization through Rock Creek Park. Total distance is 5 miles and this will be an easy hike suitable for all. [This is actually the second half of hike # 12 of Paul Elliott's "60 hikes within 60 miles"]. We will have lunch at Open City Cafe in Woodley Park between 1-1:30 PM.

To get to Marvelous market walk north on Wisconsin ave from the Tenleytown metro station about a block. Shop is on the left. We will be inside the shop.

Please bring a bottle of water. Hope to see you on the trail!

PS: There is a charge of $2 that can be paid at the hike, for this event only. There is no charge for nature lovers events but this is really an event for the singles group.

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