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New Event: Holiday singles hike with sierra club

From: Sankar
Sent on: Thursday, December 20, 2007, 9:30 AM
Announcing a new event for nature lovers' meetup!

What: Holiday singles hike with sierra club

When: Saturday, December 29, 10:30 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: Singles event: Another Rock Creek Park Hike : Join us for an easy and quick hike of 4 to 6 mi. (depending on time and circumstances) to warm up the holidays with some good cheer, fresh air, and friendly conversations. We'll meet at 10:30 am in Silver Spring in the parking lot opposite Panera Bread (8541 Georgia Ave. Silver spring, MD 20910, which is only 0.2 miles (2 blocks) from the Silver Spring Metro station). Get there early if you want to grab a quick coffee or snack. We?ll start by walking a few blocks to get into the park, where we?ll follow the Valley Trail and then cross Rock Creek to the Western Ridge Trail, which will take us back to Silver Spring . We should be back by 1:30 pm and in time for a posthike lunch at the nearby Austin Grill. For the hike, dress appropriately (if possible, in holiday colors :-) )and bring water. Dogs on leash are okay. Joint event with the Sierra Club?s Washington , DC Chapter (to be represented by Chasta Piatakovas -(202)[masked] (cell) ) and the Nature Lovers' Meetup group. Leaders: Sankar Sitaraman, , and Paul Elliott.

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