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saturday's hike: final details

From: Sankar
Sent on: Thursday, December 27, 2007, 1:06 PM
Hi everyone, Look forward to seeing you all on saturday, for a wonderful holiday outing. For all details go to Holiday singles hike with sierra cl?

Looks like the weather is going to co-operate with us. It should be a nice day to hike. In any case it is our policy to go ahead with the hike unless there is severe weather.

The trail might be a bit moist at places, so please dress (in holiday colors if you could :-) ) accordingly. Also bring a bottle of water. If you want to pick up a snack or coffee please arrive early at Panera bread. We'll start soon after 10.30 am. After the hike we'll go for lunch at nearby Austin grill, arriving there latest by 1.30 pm. They have happy hour starting at 2pm.

You can reach me, Sankar at[masked] (land line), and on the day of the hike Chasta at[masked] (cell).

So come join us to hike, eat, drink and make merry!

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