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New Meeting: Brookside Gardens walk

From: Scott
Sent on: Friday, June 6, 2008, 1:05 PM
Announcing a new meeting for nature lovers' meetup!

What: Brookside Gardens walk

When: Saturday, June 21, 10:00 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meeting Description: Brookside Gardens is part of Wheaton Regional Park in Montgomery County, Maryland. We'll hike the beautiful Brookside Gardens, first on the less formal trails for a few miles, possibly including part of the Northwest Banch Trail and Rachel Carson Greenway Trail. Some of these trails are paved and some are unpaved. Afterwards, we'll explore the actual gardens at a more leisurely pace.

Bring a lunch and water. We'll finish in the early afternoon after exploring the gardens, which can be good for butterflies. Participants may want to stay to tour the butterfly house ($5 admission), library, Visitor Center or Nature Center.

Meet at the Nature Center parking lot along Glenallen Road, NOT the Visitor Center lot.

Brookside is accessible from Glenmont Metro Station, less than 1 mile away.

By vehicle, from the Beltway, take exit 31A (Georgia Ave.) north about 3 miles. Go right on Randolph Rd. At the second traffic light, turn right onto Glenallen Ave. The Nature Center parking lot is a right turn, after the entrances for the Visitor Center and Conservatory.

From the park website:

Brookside Gardens is Montgomery County's incomparable, award-winning 50-acre public display garden situated within Wheaton Regional Park. Included in the gardens are several distinct areas; azalea garden, rose garden, children's garden, formal garden, fragrance garden, Japanese style garden and trial garden. The garden also features two conservatories for year-round enjoyment. A horticultural reference library is located in the airy Visitors Center. Admission is free.

Brookside Gardens' mission, as a public garden, is to foster appreciation for the art of gardening and the science of horticulture through plant collections and displays, learning opportunities and special events.

Learn more here:

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