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New Meeting: Wetland Plant Walk at Huntley Meadows

From: Lori
Sent on: Tuesday, June 10, 2008, 12:43 PM
Announcing a new meeting for nature lovers' meetup!

What: Wetland Plant Walk at Huntley Meadows

When: Saturday, June 14, 9:00 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Why: Start your day off experiencing nature in a verdant wetland not too far from home.

Meeting Description: Join me for a naturalist-led walk through the wetland at Huntley Meadows this Saturday. As the below description says, all the recent rains will make for a verdant wetland. (Please call Huntley at[masked] to sign up and bring $6 for them.) If you?ve never been to Huntley Meadows, you?re in for a treat.

After the walk, we can cool off with an early lunch at nearby El Puerto. You?ll feel like you?re walking into Mexico at this place and for around $5 - $10. Please bring cash for lunch.

Closest metro is Huntington. It is walk-able, but a bit of a hike. Could people post if they can offer or need a ride from Huntington? It looks like about 2 miles from the park, but not too far out of the way for a driver. I may bicycle there myself.

Wetland Plant Walk
Huntley Meadows Park
Saturday June 14th, 9 to 11 a.m.

Take a walk on the boardwalk at Huntley Meadows Park to explore wetland plants and learn about the wildlife they support. Huntley Meadows contains the largest remaining freshwater, non-tidal wetland in Fairfax County. Swamp rose, lizard tail, silky dogwood, button bush and winterberry holly are all in bloom now. The amazing spring rains have stimulated much plant growth and the wetland is just beautiful. Virginia rails have nested in the wetland for the first time ever and least bitterns have been seen and may be nesting for the first time in over 10 years. Dragonflies are in abundance and we may see Mississippi kites hunting them. We will also have the opportunity to see the state rare purple milkweed in bloom.
Bring binoculars, hat, and sunscreen. Just a few native mosquitoes are out, it's not bad.
Please call the park for reservations,[masked]. Fee, $6. Walk led by Marianne Mooney.
We?ll meet in the parking lot just south of ?A? in the map:

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