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Aimless wandering bike ride, sat aug 25

From: Sankar
Sent on: Wednesday, August 8, 2007, 12:12 PM
Have you ever felt like just taking a day off and getting lost somewhere? Well, you don't need to go to the North Pole to do that. It is possible to get perfectly lost right around here. All you need to do is to not plan your trip, think about getting somewhere or seeing something. So leave your worries, plans and complaints at home for a day, along with your maps, cell-phones, GPS and other gizmos. Bring your thirst for adventure, child-like curiosity, love of the unexpected and a good sense of humour, along with a bottle of water and a sandwich. We'll trust our instincts, sense of direction and navigate using street signs and the sun. Any kind of bike should be fine. This is a purely fun ride, so we'll go as fast as the slowest amongst us, stop whenever someone notices an interesting sight or tempting restaurant. Starting from Shady grove metro at 10 am, we'll head out west and lose ourselves to our heart's content in the wide swath of land between the Potomac river and route 28. Will bike for about 3 hours, break for lunch, and then make our way back, hopefully by 6pm. I'll try to forget my knowledge of this area from previous rides and maps.

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