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New Meetup: Birding with Scott - Westmoreland State Park

From: Scott
Sent on: Wednesday, August 5, 2009, 1:15 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for nature lovers' meetup!

What: Birding with Scott - Westmoreland State Park

When: August 22,[masked]:00 AM

Westmoreland State Park
Route 347
Montross, VA 22520

This trip is primarily geared toward those who are attending the camping trip but if daytrippers from DC want to drive 2 hrs. south to go birding that is fine, too.

Explore the park with me to find birds of late summer in the woods and along the Potomac. Osprey, Bald Eagle, Great Blue Heron, thrushes and tanagers are some of the birds that are possible here.

Carry water, a snack and binoculars. Bug spray, sunscreen and a field guide are optional. We'll return to camp in mid-morning.

Meet me at my campsite.

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