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Booknic next wednesday 12th; Bike ride saturday 22nd

From: Sankar
Sent on: Thursday, August 6, 2009, 7:05 PM
Please join us for the next Booknic on next wednesday Aug 12 and / or for the Bike-ride
on saturday Aug 22. Let us finish the summer in style. Also you might have gotten an email from Scott about a camping trip.

Feel free to join the Book reading / picnic even if you haven't read much of the book. This will be more or less a lunch-time get together.

Feel free to join the Bike ride even if you are not a fast rider. It is 22 miles, but we will go at an easy pace (8 to 10 mph). The bike ride is joint with Sierra club Potomac regional outings. After the ride we will go for lunch at one of the restaurants on Bethesda row.

Hope to see you all soon!

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