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What we’re about

The Art of Woodworking... is not only an art... and a great hobby... but it's also an exercise for your mind.  If you watch the Discovery Channels on TV... you know that there is a great amount of effort going into introducing the world of Science and Engineering to kids... by getting them to watch science and engineering channels.  Why?  This is to coerce kids into becoming tomorrow's scientists and engineers... so that not all of our most brilliant people will be imported from other countries in the future... with Genius visas.  We need to grow our own geniuses too.

Woodworking is a great exercise in designing and building... and involves skills other than using machines and hand tools.  It's a great exercise for kids of all ages.

We are here to promote the ART of Woodworking... and the occasional math and science and engineering and design skills that go with it.

NE Ohio Woodworkers (for Ladies and Men) is a group for anyone interested in Woodworking.  Here are some things that we are dong and will be doing in the future as a group:

•  Promoting the ART of WOODWORKING 

•  Building or Expanding or Updating a Woodworking Shop

•  Designing Woodworking Projects - by yourself to share - or to get Expert Opinions from others

•  Designing Low-Cost Woodworking Projects for newcomers with minimal investment in tools

•  Collaborating Ideas and Projects

•  Discussing the Acquisition of Woodworking Machines, Power Tools and Hand Tools

•  Designing or Updating a Sawdust Collection System

•  Pooling Resources to Buy Materials, Supplies, and other Woodworking Shop items (e.g., 55 gallon drums for Sawdust Collection) and sharing the cost of a rental truck to pick up these items.

•  Woodworking (YouTube-like) Shop Tours, at our members Woodworking Shops... and maybe  Professional Cabinet Shops to see new technology or techniques. 

•  Hold Woodworking Shop Training Classes where experts share expertise with beginners

•  SketchUp classes for new members as the membership grows... and classes of SketchUp advanced topics.

All skills levels are welcome... from Beginners... to Home Hobbyists... to Pros who make a living from Woodworking.  

We started this group to meet other Woodworking enthusiasts and explore the world of Hand Made products from Wood. We will also have Social Only meetings... probably over a Micro Brew and Dinner... to discuss all things wood and sawdust... and maybe social gatherings with other local MeetUp Groups.

We envision a Woodworking community where members ask, "Does anyone need Hardwood now?"... and members get together for a group buy... OR members ask "My wife and I would like to build a wall unit and we need some advice"... and members invite them over to show how they designed and built a wall unit.... OR... a members wants feedback on a plan before a project starts.  We might need to utilize other social media to enable these ideas.