What we’re about
The purpose of this group is to provide a warm, lively, fun venue for free and open discussion in intermediate or above Japanese. We hope that new friendships will be formed, curiosities in knowledge as well as cultures rewarded, and speaking skills continually improved. The discussions are moderated to make sure all participants have opportunities to speak but teaching is not emphasized.
The Group's expectation is that most discussion will be in Japanese, but with allowances for the fact that many of the participants will not be native speakers. From time-to-time non-native speakers will naturally grapple for Japanese words that are not on the tips of their tongues. It is fine to use a few words of English if required.
Participants are also encouraged to respect the motivations of others and not dominate the conversation or engage in one-on-one discussions. The moderator will endeavor to help in this regard, making sure that all have opportunities to speak.