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What we’re about

We get people together and normalize being a non-drinker. Ocean Beach Cafe has the largest Non-Alcoholic Beverage selection on the West Coast and the only Non-Alcoholic Bar. Very Important: We totally understand these products may not be for everyone, especially in early/significant recovery. That being said, 10's of millions are drinking less and not drinking at all and we are ground zero for these conversations in San Francisco.
When there is choice, there is movement. We are a total vibe of a sandwich and coffee shop that happens to be one of the leaders in the Non Alcoholic Movement.
We have 40ft of outdoor dining parklet, and the best vibe ever over here. Open Mic Tuesdays 4pm-7pm and super exciting conversations happen here every, single, day.
We are a Community Art Cafe and host beach cleanups 3-4 times a month, help the homeless, support the sober community, and we're just getting started.
So many people are drinking less and we want to get them together for super fun events and meet others doing the same. This is a very inclusive space and we can't wait to get everyone together!