What we’re about
Hi! This Meetup is a co-created community celebration for developing local friendships and support amongst those deeply interested in nondual awareness and for practicing abiding in or as our intrinsic peace, love and fulfillment. IF SINCERELY INTERESTED, PLEASE MESSAGE AND THE COORDINATORS WILL INITIATE MORE GATHERINGS.
"Nondual awareness" can be understood as simply knowing peace, love and fulfillment as our ever-present background or nature. This Meetup is an opportunity for us to celebrate the beauty of this nature as it appears in each of us and to support each other in seeing through that which can obscure it. This community is primarily for those who have had glimpses of nondual unity or oneness from any perspective, experience or tradition and are seeking support in integration, celebration, abidance, or in the recognition of that which pulls them from clarity.
The above collage photo is of popular speakers of directly realizing qualities of this ever-present background/Beingness. If you do not recognize them, we recommend googling Rupert Spira, Eckhart Tolle or Adyashante for a taste. In support of your getting what you want, this Meetup is not a religious, psychic, law of attraction or energy healing group.
We will likely begin with a 20 minute guided experience through a sample map of inner shifts from suffering in separateness to unity awareness followed by each of us sharing of our journeys, a-ha's and challenges towards abiding as peace, love and fulfillment.
For a personal flavor, here is a Sid intro who is one of your group hosts: Nondual exploration has been his hobby for 25 years ever since having an accidental samadhi while living with Byron Katie in his 20's. Inspired by that glimpse, Sid attended 100's of hours of live satsang with Rupert Spira, Gangaji, Adyashante, Byron Katie and dozens of less-known facilitators and helped coordinate nondual speakers, gatherings and communities in many U.S. cities. He looks forward to new friendships with others who share this enjoyment and interest. Attached is a recent Sid interview on nonduality. For more about Sid, see EffortlessIFS.com or a recent nonduality interview https://youtu.be/h1xHrHlR0b4?si=mMIVJd_iG88HZSzL
Please write to introduce yourself and with any questions or concerns. We look forward to meeting you and celebrating your journey and A-ha's. Namaste