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What we’re about

*Check out our NYC Short Film Club Youtube Channel and Instagram!
Watch 'Finding Sarah Star' our very first skit which was pitched, written, and shot in one day this past February, and our '48 Hour No Sleep Til: Genre House' competition submission- pitched, written, and shot in 48 hours this past April. We have a few more shorts in post-production as of now and will be pitching our next project soon!
We meet up virtually Thursday nights for about two hours to work on an ongoing short film project which we film on either a full Saturday or Sunday. The purpose is to gain experience making an original short film for the love of visual storytelling, screenwriting, cinematography, design, and collaboration.

Who we are:
A small group of amateur/ hobbyist filmmaking and screenwriting members who've been meeting since July 2021 to write an original short film and skits, and talk about no-budget filming ideas and logistics. This is a chill but fun and impassioned group of writers, filmmakers, and creatives. No experience necessary to join!

At each meetup we will jump straight into it- whether it be rewriting a scene, planning a shotlist, or filming onset. I will be present for all meetings to host and keep things moving, however each member is responsible for their piece of the pie, i.e. screenwriters must work together to write an original script, DPs and camera operators must bring available camera/gear and know some cinematography, audio recordist must bring available gear or learn from others how to operate the gear, costumers must plan out costuming/styling logistics with actors, etc.

Typically, our pre-production meetings take place virtually. However, filming will be in-person, likely in or near Manhattan/North of Manhattan/ New Jersey. Members wanting to be onset for shoot day must be available to meet virtually as well as in-person if involved in production. All filming locations will be accessible by public transportation.

This is a fun hobbyist group not to be taken too seriously but also with the sole purpose of learning the filmmaking craft from scratch through mutual collaboration. No egos please- All levels of expertise welcome. We will take our project from pitching story ideas, to writing an original screenplay, then pre-production, filming, post-production, and finally to submitting our film to the festival of our choosing or posting on our Youtube channel. This is a low budget filmmaking group so it should cost very little or next-to-nothing to make, just your free time. Join our group and check out our past meeting recaps to learn more!

If you're looking to get started with this club but not sure where to begin, feel free to shoot me a message. We also have a Discord groupchat for our active members and a share drive where our project files live.

*Updated 10/11/22