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Seeking workshops

From: Mihail
Sent on: Friday, April 2, 2010, 7:45 AM
Hello Permie Community,
Remember me? I'm that young farmer in Preston Hollow, NY starting up a CSA/seed business in order to practice some permaculture in this gorgeous little hilltown...
Anyway, I've figured out a very effective way to get my seeds out there... WORKSHOPS! Right now, I go to farmer's markets and set up a little stand. I spend alot of time at the market explaining to people how to care for their plants, so I think that doing more workshops would be a better use of my time and energy in that regard.
So if anybody out there knows of any workshops or vendors fairs that could squeeze me in in the upcoming couple of months, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!
Thanks for everything so far. You guys have been grrrrrrrrreat!

9 Cheese Hill Rd
Preston Hollow, NY 12469

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