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What we’re about

We come from building a network of operators who share knowledge on operating cloud & container infrastructure. But the topic is broader: This meetup invites all DevOps, Ops team members and all who are interested in automating and operating IT solutions in modern cloud environments. We want to talk about our practical approach, about best practices, failures and how to avoid them, setups, ...

In addition to the Four Opens ( we developed the approach of Open Operations - join the community, bring transparency into ops. With shared knowledge we all become better.

We understand cloud holistically: infrastructure, container, bare metal, apps, ... mindset. We want to improve the operation of any cloud environments.

We typically provide a presentation with ample time for discussion and free time for topics from the members - questions, best practices, failure, solutions...

GitHub repository:
Minutes of the meetings and meetups:
Videos of previous meetups:
Join the Meetups: