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What we’re about

Join our Vegan Spirituality Meetup to explore veganism as a spiritual practice! Our monthly gatherings include discussions on veganism and spirituality, moral support, guided meditations, and delicious potluck vegan food. Our annual retreats offer speaker presentations, yoga classes, guided meditation, catered vegan food, group discussions, nature hikes, and animal blessings. Hope you can join us to build a Vegan Spirituality community behind the Orange County curtain! We have thriving sister communities in Philadelphia, New Jersey, New York, Olympia, Los Angeles, and Vancouver.

Vegan Spirituality is relevant to all faiths. It is the next evolution of compassion in our love of Life. 

Vegan Spirituality is not a religion, and by all means will enhance one's faith in the magnificence of our existence. No matter what conviction is in our minds, Vegan Spirituality is an honoring for the miracle of life. It is a higher love. All are chosen, although few recognize their divinity. 

Vegan Spirituality is a practice of love, compassion, and grace for all life. It is this honoring that awakens our spirit and feeds our soul. 

Animals are a reflection of our nature, teaching us the sacredness of life. Animals give us an opportunity to practice how to love or unconsciously create pain and suffering. Our love of animals can mirror our love of self and God or our daily blindness to the Holocaust of millions of tortured animals. 

Animals are great teachers. Their lessons teach us how to live with vegan ethics to rise one's consciousness.  Heralding Vegan Spirituality ideals from Jesus,  Buddha,  Gandhi,  Benjamin Franklin, Carl Lewis,  Leonardo Da Vinci,  Einstein, Edison,  Newton, Tesla, Steve Jobs, Socrates, Dali Lama, Emerson, Tagore, Wellstonecraft, Kafka, Jane Goodall, Tolstoy, John Robbins, Rosa Parks, Paul and Linda McCarthy.