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New Meetup: Shoot 'Em Up - LASER TAG

From: Kyle W
Sent on: Thursday, October 15, 2009, 12:06 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Southeastern PA Nerds and Geeks Social Alliance!

What: Shoot 'Em Up - LASER TAG

When: November 8,[masked]:30 PM

4201 Neshaminy Blvd. #130
Bensalem, PA 19020

Alright, you mutton heads. Grab your weapons. We've got a mission. Lock and load...

Our objective is to enter the facility known as ULTRAZONE. Once there, we will strap on weapons and hunt the most dangerous of enemies... each other.

Laser tag was a lot of fun last time... I'm hoping this time we can get an even larger group and rock the joint.

We shall meet at the Ultrazone, play a few video games, shoot a couple rounds of laser tag and then grab dinner afterwards at a nearby restaurant.

So come on... CRY HAVOC... and let slip the hounds of laser tag.

Hope to see you there!

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