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New Meetup: Holmes is Where The Heart Is... Holiday Movie Time

From: Kyle W
Sent on: Wednesday, December 23, 2009, 11:25 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Southeastern PA Nerds and Geeks Social Alliance!

What: Holmes is Where The Heart Is... Holiday Movie Time

When: December 27,[masked]:30 PM

AMC Neshaminy 24
3900 Rockhill Dr
Bensalem , PA 19053

It's Elementary, my dear Watson. After several days of family time, you might find the need to come up for some air. And what better way to do this than join a bunch of geeks watching the new Sherlock Holmes movie?

The movie starts at 2:50 pm... we shall enjoy the movie, then proceed forthwith to a nearby restaurant to discuss the tale we just beheld and to annoy Leah with English accents.

Hope you can join us!

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