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What we’re about

Mission:  We are a resource network for people of color interested in building intentional, healthy, and affordable housing communities in the Bay Area and beyond.

Vision:  We are committed to creating an entire ecosystem of POC-centered communities that are ecologically, emotionally, spiritually and culturally regenerative.

The People of Color Sustainable Housing Network (POCSHN) is a resource network for people of color interested in building intentional, healthy, and affordable housing communities in the Bay Area and beyond.  Since starting in February 2015, it has grown to become an intergenerational network with quarterly potlucks and monthly meetings with the organizing collective, both of which are open to everyone.  The network was established in response to extreme increases in housing costs, rapid gentrification, and the lack of socio-economic diversity among the intentional community movement across the United States.  The network connects people of color interested in renting-to-own, buying, or investing in alternative housing models, including accessory dwelling units, housing coops, cohousing, land trusts, and ecovillages.  

The POC Sustainable Housing Network has four primary outcomes:

1.  To increase awareness of sustainable housing options for POC

2.  To increase POC access to financial, educational, and human resources needed to create and sustain POC­-centered communities

3.  To increase the number of culturally and economically diverse sustainable housing options available to POC through the acquisition of land and properties

4.  To serve as a centralized hub for POC land and housing struggles in order to share best practices, resources, and solutions

Please check out our different pages for more information.

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