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Please vote for Chako and help Pit Bulls make history!

From: Dawn
Sent on: Sunday, March 23, 2014, 3:27 PM

Please take a moment and vote for Chako in KCRA's A list contest. Help raise the profile of rescued Pit Bulls and be part of history-in-the-making (a Pit Bull organization has never, to my knowledge, made KCRA's list of A-list winners)! By voting, you help raise awareness for Pit Bulls and increase the visibility of Chako's adoptable Pit Bulls and our advocacy efforts. 

At the URL below, click VOTE and fill out your info (you do have to register or have an account, but there is no email verification and you can use whatever email you tend to use for spam/contest sign ups, etc.!). Every single vote counts (but you only need to vote once).

Thank you in advance!


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