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1-2 Pit Bulls needed for UC Davis kissing booth

From: Dawn
Sent on: Tuesday, April 8, 2014, 7:45 AM

We may need one or two more Pit Bulls for Chako's UC Davis kissing booth. This is a very chaotic event. There are lots of dogs, people, crowds, noise, etc. It is important that any dog that attends be very friendly, outgoing, confident, well-mannered, and rock solid around all dogs and people (not overly vocal, boisterous, etc., not fearful or anxious either). And, of course, the dog should love to give gentle kisses to all strangers. If you think your dog might qualify and you'd like to have us consider your dog for the kissing booth, please email [address removed] with a photo of your dog and a description of his her personality.

All dogs must be spayed or neutered, up to date on their vaccinations, and you must bring a CRATE with you to the event along with treats and water for your dog. We can only accept one or two dogs! ;) But you are always welcome to attend UC Davis on your own as a spectator. Please, however, do not bring any spectator dogs directly INTO Chako's booth (though feel free to stop by and say HI!)

The two shifts we're primarily looking to fill are 11:30-1:00 and 1:00-2:30

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