What we’re about
RadicalxChange 介紹
RadicalxChange 是一個由社運推動者、藝術家、學業界發起的非營利組織,致力提倡競爭、自由、開放的市場機制,以降低社會不平等,修復社會分裂與分歧,創造廣泛共享的公平、繁榮與合作。RadicalxChange Taipei 台北社群 2019 年 7 月創立,歡迎追蹤推特帳號掌握最新消息。
RadicalxChange convenes a community of activists, artists, entrepreneurs, and scholars committed to using dramatically expanded competitive, free and open market mechanisms to reduce inequality, build widely-shared prosperity, heal global political divides and build a richer and more cooperative social life.
The Taipei chapter of RadicalxChange will provide an opportunity to understand the issues in-depth, to learn and contribute to the ongoing conversation, to progress the ideas of Radical Markets, and to experiment with the concepts such as quadratic voting and Harberger taxes in local communities.
歡迎追蹤推特 Twitter 帳號: https://twitter.com/rxctaipei
RxC 基金會官網:https://radicalxchange.org/
7/16 RxC 台北活動第一場講者簡報 Slides 已公開在網路歡迎參考: https://github.com/radicalxchange-taipei/PublicGoods/tree/master/Event_2019-07-16