What we’re about
The goal of this group is to increase diversity in the tech community by helping people who are underrepresented in the tech industry to get started or level up with Rails, Ruby, and other web technologies.
All events are free and any level of experience is welcome. Our annual Weekend Workshop will be taking place this year on Dec 2nd & 3rd, 2016 at Revzilla Motorsports at the Navy Yard. If you are interested in attending, supporting, volunteering or just want to know what is going on with the group please feel free to join us for our next Meetup, or email organizers constance.ip@nycda.com or lindsay.nauman@gmail.com
Prospective volunteers, fill out the volunteer form here: https://goo.gl/forms/8dGjc08qJtnrMdto1
Interested attendees, we will be opening enrollment at the end of October. In the meantime, visit our website at www.RailsBridgePHL.org and sign up on our mailing list!