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What we’re about

Sex is a fundamental part of our lives whether you choose to agree to it or not. Sadly, there's a strong stigma surrounding this topic that led to people feeling awkward, embarrassed and sometimes even ashamed to even talk about it.

Here's the thing. Refusing to talk about sex doesn't mean that it will go away.

On the contrary, being open to discussions revolving around sexuality will help us...

• Understand our bodies on a deeper level;
• Cultivate a sense of "responsibility" towards our partner/s;
• Figure out how we are pleased and how to please;
• Promote self-acceptance and most importantly,
• Improve interpersonal skills, attitude and behavior.

Join our group and let Erwan and Alicia teach you "REAL SEX EDUCATION".

There's just so many competing messages about sex and you don't want to get misinformed. Together, we'll debunk the myths and uncover the truths about sexuality that do not even get discussed in schools. We'll break the misconceptions that mainstream media shamelessly share.

Go on and click that red JOIN GROUP button now and let's enjoy this thrilling journey towards sexual epiphany!

Follow us on Instagram (@davonmethod) for relationships tips, our personal stories and events!



We are a San Francisco based organization dedicated to bringing sexy people together to learn about everything from cultivating Presence in relationship, to the stages of relationship to sex skills including Extended Orgasm.

For over 25 years Erwan and Alicia, who joined Erwan in 2003, have been working successfully with singles and couples, teaching their signature process – the Davon Method to hundreds of students in groups, retreats, and individual sessions and helping them create the relationships of their dreams.

Erwan and Alicia have a unique approach to relationship coaching that combines their educational backgrounds in psychology and sexuality and aspects of Zen Buddhism to provide a holistic method to effectively improve connection with the self and others.

Erwan studied psychology after a difficult childhood and an early introduction to therapeutic work. He went on to live and study in a Zen Monastery, direct a yoga ashram, and began teaching personal development at one of the world’s largest personal grown organizations. Erwan’s passion for helping and teaching people led him to found Erwan Davon Teachings in 1995, specifically to help people improve their relationships.

Alicia Davon holds a Master’s degree in Integral Psychology with a focus on women’s romantic and sensual expression. She trained as a therapist before meeting Erwan and led numerous women’s groups devoted to female pleasure and life fulfillment from career to relationship. She met Erwan 15 years ago and started teaching with him soon after.

Together, Erwan and Alicia developed The Pleasure Course and several other programs, which have helped thousands achieve their ideal love lives. They provide a safe place to explore psychological inquiry, pleasure, and sexuality.

They have spent years perfecting their curriculum and techniques and are excited to share their expertise with newcomers so they can help improve chemistry, connection, communication, and passion in others’ lives!

We look forward to the pleasure of your company!

All events hosted by Erwan Davon Teachings are a safe space for exploring exciting yet tender and sensitive topics related to romance, personal growth and sexuality. Please respect others by refraining from making unwanted advances during the classes. There will never be any explicit sexual participation on the participants' part. Please communicate any questions or concerns directly to the teachers ( We look forward to supporting you!