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What we’re about

ALICE BRINK is your organizer, please message her (and not Dyan Ferguson) here on MeetUp or for more info...
You've probably heard a bit about neuroplasticity and rewiring the brain. Maybe you've wondered if it's real? If it can actually create change?
The answer is, yes! It is the latest and most effective technology we have seen yet to change how we think, feel, behave and choose, and thereby COMPLETELY change our lives!
We can:

  • Permanently rewire and remove the symptoms of trauma
  • Neutralize and eliminate anxiety, unleashing our energy
  • Phobias and fears be gone!
  • Shift scarcity and fears of not having enough into abundance and ease
  • Heal relationship blocks and patterns, and open the pathway to relationships that are positive and fulfilling
  • Heal unworthiness and the ways you're not good enough into confidence and self love

In practical terms? Imagine living without that worry and anxiety, and instead, focusing on your goals and desires. Imagine feeling unafraid of public speaking or rejected! Feeling resilient in relationships and love. And imagine feeling energized with the courage and confidence to confidently pursue your dreams!

The purpose of this group is to provide very affordable and very effective mindset rewiring.
The intro group sessions: Rewire Your Brain to Clear What's Holding You Back are Free and meant to be attended once. After that, you are qualified to attend the Full Group Sessions which are at a 25.-35. suggested donation via Venmo (Alice-Brink) or PayPal (
Private sessions with Alice start at 144. and may be arranged via her website at Discount packages are also available.