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What we’re about

Roots to Crown was founded to provide a space for the growing health-conscious community in St. Pete to gather, connect, practice, and celebrate life.

During the days you will find scheduled a wide variety of embodiment classes and workshops to help you tap in, tune in, and turn on. You will find various yoga and conscious movement classes, martial arts, ecstatic dance, meditation, breathwork, and so much more.

Similar to a yoga studio, you will find many of the same offerings, but with a creative twist. Catch a Kundalini class with glow paint, or a yoga class paired with a DJ guiding the journey with etheric beats, or join us for our Sunday Dance Church, offering a full gambit of healing modalities.

In the evenings and on weekends, Roots transforms into an eclectic sober nightlife hotspot some have been calling a "conscious nightclub." In line with our health-conscious roots, we're offering early shows and maintaining a drug & alcohol-free space. Many events will also be family-friendly.

Roots to Crown Mission
We invite people into safe community experiences that activate their deepest inner development, their most authentic expression, and their most impactful service to others.

Roots to Crown Vision
We envision a world where everyone feels safe, loved, and empowered in embodying their fullest
expression and actualizing their greatest potential!

Upcoming events (4+)

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