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Carlsbad Coastal Halloween Run *Half Marathon Training

From: user 1.
Sent on: Saturday, October 15, 2011, 2:56 PM


Yes sir ree, were on for this Sundays run at McGee Park at 7:30 am, then coffee for networking. Speaking of networking, we have a core group that are training for the Calrsbad half marathon.


If that doesn’t tickle your fancy, then try something exotic. Cyclocross, a combination of off road bicycling and running .On Saturday[masked] at Lake Hodges San Dieguito River Park off the 15, we have a great CX race scheduled. Its the local stop of the statewide Prestige SX series .Heres the link for the details, including a video of the course and flyer with the race times.Its going to be a blast ! Its sponsored by many, including SPY Optics +


Then on Sunday[masked] were going to do a Halloween costume run down the coast. Thats right, bring your freak out ! Yes, your Alter Ego is welcome too !I l;ove watching the public turn its head & smile in the early morning as I run by in a mask. The best Costume wins a free breakfast on me.


Thereafter, we will be doing a poker run like the last few years.


Cheers !


Richard Duquette


Bicycle Injury Attorney Since 1983

