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Carlsbad Coastal Sunday Runners

From: user 1.
Sent on: Monday, June 8, 2015, 2:38 PM


Hi Runners

We will be meeting this Sunday @7:30 am @ Magee Park to run down the lovely coast.

There are no set rules,distances or paces.Run at your own comfort level.The goal is to keep it simple,as life has enough complexities.

Then join us for a free coffee at Vinakas Coffee shop,if you're a guest new member.

This format has been working well with the group for the last seven (7) years when it was formed.Everyone is friendly and goes with the flow.Its co ed, and a great networking opportunity..

We even have custom T shirts if you're interested.They are two color with a  blue Wave on the front and a red Achilles foot logo on the back,with an American Flag on the sleeve, that we specially purchased.The female shits are v neck and custom fitted to look great.The price is $25, to offset the small custom order cost.We have a few left in male and female sizes.

I look forward to seeing there & thank you for your support !

Richard Duquette

Group organizer




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