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What we’re about

I offer a guided, meditative, walk in the park in search of a deep connection with the Earth, the Forest, and the creatures who live there.

This group is for you if you are a woman seeking a spiritual connection with Nature, already have such a connection and want to deepen your experience, and/or seek community with like-hearted women.

Tapping into the consciousness of the Forest has had profound healing and transformative effects on me and is the foundation of my spiritual practice.

I would like to share this experience with you through a guided walk in the Forest.

Did you know everything in Nature has consciousness? It’s true. Everything that breathes, eats, crawls, climbs, flies, and swims has consciousness. This includes plants, trees, and even rocks. This consciousness provides us with a channel of communication with Nature.

Developing our awareness and understanding of Nature at the deeper levels that are possible through this connection supports the survival of humanity as it teaches us how to live in harmony with the Earth and her creatures. It can also have profound healing effects on us individually and collectively.

The walk will begin with a brief grounding meditation to establish our connection with the Earth. Walking very slowly and stopping frequently to observe and feel the energies allows for a complete sensory experience.

We’ll spend about 2 hours in the park immersed in the energies all around us. We’ll take frequent breaks to observe, meditate, record our experiences, share, and relax.

I may incorporate various energy healing tools and practices to support our journey. Insights about ourselves and our lives are a common side effect of communion with Nature.

Be prepared with these suggestions to bring/wear: weather related comfort items, drinking water, journal/pen, camera, binoculars. Most importantly, bring your open mind and heart!

Upcoming events (4+)

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