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What we’re about

Sacred Tantra is a practice of uniting your sexuality with your heart and consciousness.  The organizer is Lourdes Starshower,  She is available for private sessions in North Palm Beach and via Skype from anywhere in the world. She has developed a set of DVDs titled Tantra Practices for Divine Ecstasy so you can access this powerful training in your own home.  It is available at:  

Tantra is also about healing the places inside that keep you from being truly loving to yourself, your partner, your family and the world. It is a way to elevate your sexuality to sacredness while simultaneously enhancing your spiritual growth.

Tantra is NOT just for couples! Why wait for a partner when you can begin Now to heighten your Kundalini (energy), raise your vibration and attract more Love in your life?

You will learn solid techniques that you can practice at home to increase your ability to create intimacy in relationships, enhance your pleasure, expand your consciousness, deepen your meditation practice and bring in profound peace and joy.

We offer a variety of classes and playshops on all aspects of Sacred Tantra.  Meetups are educational and yet largely experiential.  In these beautiful heart-connected classes you will experience an expansion of your heart and an opening to bliss/ecstasy known as the "heartspace" and you will find yourself responding to life in general from a more centered and loving place within. 

There is no nudity or sex in the classes.