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What we’re about

The San Antonio Java Users Group, SATJUG, is one of the many Java User Groups worldwide dedicated to the use of the Java™ Technology.  We meet the first Tuesday of the month from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM at the New Horizons Learning Center (link on the MeetUp details) .  Attendance is free and open to all.

Who should join?

Anyone interested in Java or JVM based languages like Scala, Clojure, or even Android.

How do I participate?

Join our MeetUp to get the latest information.  We also have a Slack channel at   Due to security restrictions with Slack you must request an invite from one of the group organizers. 

How do I contact you?

You can contact the organizers through the links provided on the Meetup site.  We are also available on the group's Slack channel,  Recruiters and job seekers, we have a #jobs channel just for you!