What we’re about
Want to learn exactly how to buy and sell businesses for a living Without Risking Your Own Personal Capital?
Learn how to access the alternative capital markets to raise all the finance you require to transact.
Private equity investor, Perry M. Anderson, shares these highly transferrable skills in this 4-Week Workshop!
Learn how to acquire a business using the alternative finance markets to fund the acquisition - without risking any capital from your pocket. Then grow it and divest it for the largest exit of your life.
If you are interested in the world of M&A but do not know where to begin, how to find a business for sale, raising money and investing capital, this Workshop is for you!
This may be for you if you are:
1. An employee that is looking to jump into entrepreneurship, but would prefer to buy a business as opposed to starting one from scratch?
2. Have a relative or friend who wants to sell you their business, but you do not have the capital to transact?
3. Already own business but organic growth is too slow and painful and you want a faster growth trajectory by buying out your competitor?
Testimonials from previous attendees (https://www.perryanderson.global/events)
The host of this event:
Perry M. Anderson is a Private Equity investor and Oxford MBA, who founded a private equity firm in 2002. He lives between homes in London and Vancouver. Perry has taught this material to hundreds of people globally on how to buy and sell businesses for a living - without having to risk any of your own capital in order to transact. Recently he has published his book "Red to Black - The Art of Corporate Turnaround".
Perry Anderson: "I have completed over 30 investments in the past 19 years - all using my own capital. After 2 decades worth of experience in deal-making, I have come to realize that the capital to do deals does not have to come from your own pocket, as the alternative finance markets are awash with capital. I can show you how to access this!"
More about Perry Anderson (https://www.perryanderson.global/about)
So, what would you learn?
How to source a business? Without using Brokers or Intermediaries to have a constant flow of deals that fit your specific parameters and interests.
How to structure a 'win-win' offer? Deals only work when both parties gain. Using creative deal structures, Perry will show you how to get to a win-win.
How to fund business for sale and close the deal? Using private capital (from the alternative capital markets) and creative financing without the need to use any of your own personal capital.
How to buy a profitable business for $1? Perry recently acquired a profitable chain of well established retail stores for $1. The business was turning over $1.7M in consistent revenue. Mindset and structuring was key to this transaction Perry will show you exactly how this was done step-by-step. This deal structure can easily be copied and replicated - and is a simple deal structure to get a deal over the line quickly.
How to conduct due diligence and closing? Legals and accounting are an integral part of any transaction. Perry will show you how to get this done efficiently and how to have the company pay for these expenses...not you!
How to fix the company? Whether a company is distressed or profitable, there will be areas of the business that need fixing. Perry has some really clever and proven tactics that you can implement immediately that will have a significant impact on the cash flow of the business. More urgently, when you cannot make payroll next week, what do you do? These are vital tactics for any down economic market.
How and when to use a Merger? This is the fastest way to build and grow a company. Think going from zero to 10 million in 10 months...not in 10 years! Most entrepreneurs build businesses the wrong way....
How to quickly sell a company when there is a limited buyer pool? Strategies on how and when to sell the business for 6 or 7 figure sums. Perry will share how he quickly sold a Media company he acquired (when there were very few buyers) and how Perry maximized his exit.
Additional real-world 'street-fighting' tactics that are NOT taught in any MBA program or global business schools. This is a highly transferrable skill set and after this workshop, you will have all the 'tools' to be able to go out and do this yourself.
You will also leave the workshop with Contracts, Templates and Documents from actual deals done.
You can then use these to replicate on your own deals.
You will also be given a detailed list of Perry's private 'non-bank' funders (UK, US and Canada) and their direct contact details. The value of this is priceless!
Have more questions?
Please contact Davide at:
PS: There is no sales pitch at this workshop and nothing is being sold to you - just pure knowledge exchange!