What Couples Counseling Taught Me About Coaching
As a coach, I help people find their best way through challenging situations. When I needed help navigating a challenge in my personal life, I got a surprise extra benefit: new tools for being a better coach. In this workshop we’ll explore four ideas from marriage and couples counseling that can help you become a more skillful coach too. This session is rated R, for references to physical intimacy in committed long-term emotional relationships.
Our Presenter:
Oluf Nissen is an agile coach and facilitator with a deep background in software development. He holds several advanced credentials in the agile software development coaching space and has been a presenter at our meetup before, with his Introverted Facilitator’s Survival Guide. His recent personal travels led him to the topics that we will be exploring in this session.
Zoom Security Note
You will need to be signed in to your Zoom account in order to access this event. You don’t need a paid account, a free Zoom account will work just fine. Additionally, you will need to have your camera on to check-in with the hosts when entering the meeting. This helps us to create a friendly, interactive, and safer environment. The event will be locked at 10 minutes past its start time. We will not be recording this event.
What Couples Counseling Taught Me About Coaching