Nigel Baker was the first speaker we had at the user group and is still supporting the group over a decade later. Grab a spot as we are limiting spaces on this event and earn some Scrum Educational Units whilst being entertained and enlightened by Nigel.
Nigel (This Nigel not your Nigel) is talking again at Yet Another Conference. The subject is fun - but in the end - ephemeral. Fun Slides and some stage banter. A fun sorbet of a session in between The Conference Sandwiches. That is not the talk he wanted to give at That Conference. **This** is the talk he wanted to give. With zero structure, no learning objectives and frankly dull in some places and bizarre in all of them - He is going to ramble/muse via Alcohol the summation of his learning about Agile from his near 25 years doing it and helping others to do it. He thinks in this thoughts that there is.. something important. Something that could change the world. Or at least your world. And maybe his… but he still isn’t quite sure what it is….”
Bring your Over Thinking caps. Yes, I have been reading too much Douglas Adams.