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What we’re about

This group is to help promote the Climate Fresk in San Francisco.

Climate Fresk is a fun, participative yet 100% science-based serious game about climate change. In just 3 hours, players will work together to connect causes and effects of climate change, learn about the science from the IPCC: the United Nations panel of scientists that has been studying climate change since 1988; and discuss ways to help reduce the effects of climate change.

We have been organizing the Climate Fresk at the SF Public Library, and around the Bay Area on a regular basis since 2022. This awesome game that has seen over 1 million participants across the world since its inception in France in 2018.

Featured in the NY Times: “For a Trendy Night Out in Paris, How About a Climate Change Workshop?
More than a million people in France have attended a “Climate Fresk” class to understand the process of global warming. The project is now spreading abroad.”

Featured in NPR "Climate Fresk workshop gives participants a look at causes, consequences of climate change"